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What You Need to Know About Divorce in Texas | Chapter 1 Recap


What You Need to Know About Divorce in TexasHow Do I Know If It’s the Right Time To Get Divorced?

Our attorney Michelle May O’Neil has been representing small business owners, professionals, and individuals in numerous matters related to family law for more than 25 years. In that time, she has come to learn a few things about how to know if it’s the right time to get a divorce. Making the decision to divorce from your spouse can be very difficult, which is why we are here to help you determine if divorce is the right option for you. Below, we briefly recap the first chapter of Attorney O’Neil’s book, What You Need to Know About Divorce in Texas, to help you decide if it is the right time to get started on your divorce.

Am I Ready For Divorce?

Getting divorced is not just stressful, it’s emotionally exhausting. Before you get divorced, you need to ask yourself the following 5 questions. These questions will help you understand the legal process ahead and the commitment to it that will be required of you.

Should I Speak to a Marriage Counselor?

You should ask yourself it would be beneficial for you and your spouse to seek marriage counseling. If you think there is no hope for your marriage, speaking to a professional might help you identify where your marriage went wrong and what you can do to avoid similar behavior in the future.

Does It Make Financial Sense to Get Divorced Right Now?

Sometimes getting divorced might cost you more now than if you wait until a later time. Although the emotional aspects of divorce usually outweigh the financial implications, you should still ask yourself how a divorce would impact your total net worth. In some situations it might be make financial sense to just “stick it out.”

Do I Have All of My Financial Documents In Order?

It is of the upmost importance that you have all of your financial documents stored in a safe place before you file for divorce. Your bank account statements, credit card statements, retirement & brokerage account statements will all be scrutinized throughout your divorce. Having these document in order ahead of time can cut down on legal expenses, which will help you focus on other matters associated with your case.

What Can I Do to Protect My Assets?

Take possession of the assets that you wish to continue using. Freeze all joint credit cards and shared bank accounts. Taking this step will help you maintain stability during this stressful time.

What Do I Want Out of My Divorce?

Determine what your goals are for after you are divorced. Some people simply want their marriage to end, while others want to grow personally or professionally. Whatever your answer is, you should communicate it with your divorce attorney at the beginning of your case.

Are you thinking about divorcing from your spouse? Contact our team of Dallas divorce attorneys to discuss your case today.