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Attorney Michelle O’Neil Featured on Prestigious Podcast

Attorney Michelle O’Neil Featured on Prestigious Podcast

We are proud to announce our attorney, Michelle O’Neil, has been featured on The Play Big Movement podcast. The Play Big Movement is hosted by Sharon Lechter. She was one of the driving forces behind the industry producing “talking books.” These are books with accessibility features for the blind.

Ms. Lechter is also well-known as the co-writer of the hit book Rich Dad Poor Dad, and she worked hard to turn the book into a brand, not just a single publication. Moreover, Ms. Lechter is the caretaker of the Think and Grow Rich for Women brand, which offers strategies for accumulating and keeping wealth. Through her podcast, Ms. Lechter encourages listeners to “play big,” offering strategies for career success.

Attorney Michelle O’Neil’s inclusion in the Play Big Movement is quite an accomplishment. The podcast invites only people who are the best in their fields. It includes entrepreneurs, authors, and other successful people from all walks of life.

In her appearance, Attorney O’Neil discusses how she became a top attorney and the obstacles she overcame to get there. By sharing her experiences, she helps explain how listeners can become major players in their respective fields.

Of course, the team at OWLawyers® is not surprised that Attorney Michelle O’Neil received this honor. We have known for years that she is one of the best in her field, and she is a “big player” in the legal world.

Ms. O’Neil has over 25 years of experience helping both individuals and businesses. She is a board-certified family law specialist, an honor granted by the Texas Board of Legal Separation. With her experience, she can help keep cases from going to trial. However, when necessary, Attorney O’Neil uses her legal expertise in the courtroom. She can help with any legal matter related to families, including child custody and support, alimony, property division, and more.

If you are facing a family law matter, contact our team online or call us at (214) 348-6723