Fort Worth Divorce Modification Attorneys
Do You Need a Modification? Our Skilled Fort Worth Attorneys Can Help
For divorcing couples and unmarried parents, custody and support agreements are key to not only upbringing of any children, but also maintaining a healthy and supportive lifestyle for all parties involved. However, circumstances can change and when they do, it can be difficult to continue to uphold these agreements. When this occurs, the parties involved have the option to seek a court-approved modification of orders.
OWLawyers® has been providing reliable, dynamic, and incisive legal counsel to individuals and families facing family law and divorce matters. Our compassionate Fort Worth modification lawyers understand how sensitive many of these matters are, how high the stakes can be, and is always proceeds with care and assertiveness that truly speaks to the gravity of our clients’ needs.
If you are interested in seeking a support or custody modification, we encourage you to contact us at (214) 348-6723 today.
“When can I seek a modification?”
Modifications are only granted in Texas courts when there is a dramatic and verifiable change in the circumstances of a family. This means that careful preparation and consideration is needed before approaching the court for an alteration in matters they have already ruled on.
Legitimate reasons for a modification of orders include:
- A significant change in income or job situation
- A significant change in insurance benefits
- A change in the martial status of one the involved parties (remarriage)
- A significant change in residence (relocation)
- A significant change in the health of one of the involved parties
- A concern for child abuse, domestic violence, or substance abuse
In cases of child support, a modification can also be sought if the agreement has not been updated in three years and the it differs from state guidelines by 20% or $100. If you believe you need a spousal maintenance, child custody, or child support agreement that needs to be modified, it needs to be court-approved. Our proven Fort Worth modification lawyers can help you navigate this process and ensure that your appeal for a modification is given every consideration by the judge.