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- 2025
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- How to Talk to Your Partner About a Pre-Marital Agreement Without Jeopardizing Your Relationship
- Michelle May O'Neil on the Implications of Repealing No-Fault Divorce
- 5 Common Myths About Pre-Marital Agreements Debunked
- How Women Can Protect Their Financial Independence in Dual Income, No Kids Households
- Celebrating Our Attorneys on the Super Lawyers List
- Young OWLawyers recognized among the top 2.5% by Rising Stars
- Michelle May O'Neil Named “Top 50 Women” by Super Lawyers
- Supporting Your Friends and Family Members Going Through a Divorce
- Women of Influence: Michelle May O'Neil
- The Role of Mental Health Professionals in a Courtroom Divorce
- Michelle O'Neil Featured in Women of Influence
- Best Lawyers Recognizes Michelle O'Neil and Jennifer Satagaj
- August
- May
- March
- February
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- November
- October
- September
- August
- Can Your License Be Suspended to Enforce Family Support Orders?
- Organizational Apps for Smoothing Over Co-Parenting Issues
- What Is the Innocent Spouse Rule?
- The Duty to Maintain Life Insurance for Child Support
- What Is the Importance of Business Valuations in Divorce
- What Happened to the Alimony Tax Deduction?
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- January
- 2018
- 2017
- November
- October
- How to get custody in Texas?
- What is conservatorship in Texas?
- How do you file for divorce in Texas?
- How does premarital cohabitation affect division of marital property
- OWLawyers Lawyers Selected for 2016 Texas Super Lawyers List
- O'Neil and Wysocki recognized among best divorce lawyers in Dallas area and Texas
- The trend of shared parenting laws
- Social media in a Texas divorce
- Is there a divorce season? New research says Yes!
- Attorney Michelle O'Neil Gives CLE Presentation on Trial Error Preservation
- Strategies for contested family law and divorce hearings on a time budget
- Attorney Michelle O'Neil Included in The Best Lawyers in America
- OWLawyers to Take Part in Leukemia Lymphoma Society Relay
- Attorney Ryan Segall Speaks at Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Young Attorney Panel
- Tips for fathers in Dallas Texas custody disputes
- Shared Custody - Superpowers of Shared Kids
- July
- Do the 12 divorce myths apply in Texas? (part 2)
- Do the 12 divorce myths apply in Texas? (part 1)
- Can I pay my child support in pizza? Creative payment methods of child support not in cash money.
- Attorney O'Neil's LGBT Article Named "Top Ten" by LexBlog Network
- 5 things you will wish you knew after your divorce
- April
- March
- February
- January
- Don't let holiday cheer become a custody disaster
- Who gets the house in a Texas divorce?
- A spouse owns a business in Dallas Texas but how does an attorney handle that in a divorce?
- Top Five Concerns Regarding Small Business Ownership and Divorce in Texas
- Why choose a board certified family law attorney?
- Thanksgiving and divorce parenting time
- What can a Texas family law appeal lawyer do for my case?
- Waivers of citation clarified for divorce proceedings
- Definitions of Texas family violence and abuse expanded with new law
- Texas family law courts accept digitized signatures for parties and lawyers in certain divorce cases
- Tougher reporting requirements regarding domestic violence in Texas divorces
- Dental insurance now required in Dallas Texas child custody orders
- No Tricks, Just Treat - Your Children
- New standards for child custody evaluations coming in 2016, Dallas custody lawyers are wary
- Dallas lawyers see return to high bar for temporary orders in divorce modification suit
- Enforcement remedies for Texas temporary and final orders regarding children broadly expanded
- Practical guide to asset division in a Texas divorce
- August
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- Same Sex Marriage in Texas... Yes, Then No
- Michelle O'Neil authority on Texas' same sex marriage rulings
- Travis County Rules Same Sex Marriage Ban Unconsitutional, Part 2
- Substituted Service Through Facebook
- Travis County Probate Judge Declares Same Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional
- Stop Fighting! Especially in front of the child.
- January
- What to look for in hiring a Texas divorce attorney
- Reasons not to file a joint tax return during a Texas divorce
- Strategic Tax Filing During Divorce in Texas
- Divorce by murder - the Arlington Texas case
- Who gets to claim the child as a dependent in a Texas divorce
- 10 qualities to look for when hiring experts in a Texas divorce case
- November
- October
- Would living in Texas have been better for Mr. Hamm in his Oklahoma divorce?
- No such thing as common law divorce in Texas
- Michelle O'Neil named to list of Top 50 Women Lawyers in Texas
- Why Rule 11 Agreements Are Revocable Before Judgment Is Rendered
- UPDATE: Judge Posner says it all on same-sex marriage equality (Chicago's 7th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals)
- Social Security as a Division Factor in Divorce
- August
- July
- June
- 4-day delay in entering written contempt and commitment order renders enforcement void
- Successful Co-Parenting Part II
- Deviation from standard possession requires special findings with special deadline
- Is "Conscious Co-Parenting" Possible?
- Division of retirement benefits can't be changed in QDRO - QDRO must comply with the decree
- Division of professional interest in corporation
- Which court is the right court?
- What if we aren't getting married - can we still agree on stuff?
- April 15th Is an Important Deadline for Primary Conservators
- After the divorce, what else do I need to take care of?
- Is "Conscious Uncoupling" Really Possible?
- Has my marriage been a farce all of these years?
- March
- What happens to a prenup when the spouses get a divorce?
- The Effect of Divorce on Children
- Can one attorney represent both of us in drafting the premarital agreement?
- How long before the wedding should we start the process of getting a prenup?
- Facebook Can and Will Hurt You in Your Divorce Proceedings
- What is the procedure for getting a prenup?
- January
- December
- Legislative Changes to Spousal Maintenance in Texas
- Why should I hire you as my Dallas divorce attorney? Part 5
- Why should I hire you as my Dallas divorce attorney? Part 4
- What Is a Default Divorce in Texas?
- Why should I hire you as my Dallas divorce attorney? Part 3
- Smart Financial Precautions Every Person Should Make Prior to Filing for Divorce in Texas
- Supreme Court of Texas Clarifies Proof Required for Attorney's Fees
- Why should I hire you as my Dallas divorce attorney? Part 2
- Why should I hire you as my Dallas divorce attorney? Part 1
- Who Is a Good Witness for Your Texas Family Law Case?
- What to ask an attorney during your first interview
- How to choose the right Dallas divorce lawyer
- September
- Can I skip the lawyer fees and D.I.Y. my prenup?
- Preparing for Divorce in Texas
- How much will a prenup cost?
- O'Neil & Attorneys Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary
- I Want An Answer Now – Can We Appeal Without a Final Judgment?
- Preserving Error for Trial Lawyers
- Establishing Achievable Goals
- Basics of Texas Divorce Law
- Distinctions Between Family Law and Civil Law Appeals
- Alimony/Maintenance Enforcement By Contempt
- Profile of a Dallas Divorce Lawyer
- Overview of Characterization & Tracing in a Divorce
- Maintenance & Alimony in Texas
- Preparing For Litigation
- Debt & Division
- Protecting Your Kids and Assets During Divorce
- Who Gets the House? Dallas Divorce Lawyer Explains
- Divorce Trends in the United States
- Best Attorney in North Dallas by Living Magazine
- Prenups...But I'm not wealthy. Do I really need one?
- Could Ric Flair Be Held in Contempt in Texas for Failure to Pay Spousal Maintenance?
- Does getting a prenup mean that my fiancé doesn't trust me?
- Social Media Use During Divorce Proceedings
- What is a Prenup?
- Preparing for Mediation in Texas
- Texas Legislature Clarifies Ability of Trial Court to Award Attorneys' Fees in a Divorce in Response to Tedder v. Gardner Aldric
- Mister Rogers talked about divorce
- Children and Divorce - Their Top 3 Questions
- The Effect of Family Violence on Spousal Support in Texas
- Last week's decision in US v. Windsor
- Texas Maximum Child Support Cap Is Changing September 1, 2013
- Love Wins: Section 3 of DOMA is Overturned
- A Journey for a Texas Father to Bring Home His Kidnapped Daughters from Russia
- How is the gay marriage controversy impacting the state of Texas and the family law practice area? What issues do attorneys need
- The Right of First Refusal - Is It Really in the Child's Best Interest?
- Tedder v. Gardner Aldrich, LLP: Texas Supreme Court Holds Attorney Fees In Divorce Are Not Necessaries Under Spousal Support Sta
- Are you (facebook) friends with the Judge?
- Co-Parenting Is Not Just an Idea, It Is a Necessity
- Your Social Study Interview
- Another Facebook no-no: Don't call your child an asshole on Facebook
- Divorced parent rights in the aftermath of a tragedy
- Completing Your Social Study Questionnaire:
- Improving Economy, Increasing Divorce Rate
- Necessity of Prenuptial Agreements in the 21st Century
- Preparing for a Social Study Evaluation
- When You Can't Appeal, Mandamus
- Parental Alienation Awareness Organization
- It's Never Too Late to Settle Your Divorce
- What You Should Know to Prepare for a Social Study Evaluation
- How does the DSM-V effect family law litigation?
- Mandatory Presence in Court Really Means Mandatory Presence
- What you Need to Know to Be Prepared for a Social Study Evaluation:
- The disposition of business assets in a Texas divorce
- Having Another Child Will Affect Your Child Support in Texas
- Writs of Habeas Corpus: Get Out of Jail Cards in the Courts of Appeals
- Lamar Odom Tricky Custody Battle
- DOMA - does it matter in Texas
- U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Two Cases Involving Same-Sex Marriage
- Breaking Down the Sanders Divorce: Premarital Agreements in Texas
- Breaking Down the Sanders Divorce: Parenting Time and Possession Schedules in Texas
- Dallas Mayor's Rally Against Domestic Violence This Saturday
- Use of Electronic Communication to Supplement Periods of Possession with Children:
- Texas Supreme Court Holds Child Support Obligor Must be Current on All Child Support to Escape Contempt Under Texas Family Code
- Deion Sanders' Divorce
- What Is Cheating When It Comes To Divorce In Texas?
- Designating your Summer Possession in Texas:
- US Supreme Court Holds Return of a Child to a Foreign County Pursuant to an Order Issued Under the Hague Convention Does Not Ren
- Collin County family court judge Angela Tucker of the 199th Court
- Domestic Violence and Divorce in Texas
- The Benefit of Parenting Facilitators and Patenting Coordinators in Texas Divorce and Child Custody Cases:
- Most Expensive Cities for a Divorce: Dallas Ranks #9
- The Many Hats of a Divorce Lawyer
- Modification of Custody in Texas
- Co-Parenting Through A Divorce or Child Custody Case:
- O'Neil & Attorneys Prevail on Appeal: Award of Attorney's Fees Must Have Proper Legal Basis
- Spring Break 2013: In Texas, the standard possession order awards the primary parent possession of the child(ren) for spring bre
- Hawaii Five-0 deals with relocation issues
- The Company You Keep Could Have an Effect on Custody and Divorce in Texas
- The High Cost of Informal Child Support Payments
- Happy Birthday Recently Divorced Buzz Aldrin
- The Texas Standard Possession Order and Weekend Possession extended by a Holiday
- Are sperm donors daddies in Texas?
- Do Kanye West and Chris Humphries Share More Than Kim Kardashian?
- Are you my Father?
- Texas Supreme Court to Decide Whether Pets Have Sentimental Value
- Abraham Lincoln was a Divorce Lawyer
- What if Kim Kardashian Was Pregnant and Going Through a Divorce in Texas?
- After a Divorce in Texas, Which Parent Gets to Claim the Child as a Tax Exemption?
- Social Study Evaluation: Free Booklet Download Available
- New Year's Resolution: Get a Divorce
- Supreme Court Clarifies Requirements for Property Owner's Testimony as to Value
- Basics of Texas Divorce Law 2nd Edition now available in e-book format
- Sesame Street's Effect on Divorce in Texas
- Michelle May O'Neil Goes Live Tonight!
- Is My Spouse Entitled To My Retirement from Before I Was Married?
- Who Should Be Present During Exchanges of the Children
- What Can You Do After A Default Judgment Is Entered Against You?
- Pay Special Attention When Structuring Your Thanksgiving Periods of Possession in Texas
- Frequently Asked Question: What do I do if I am supposed to have possession of my child, but the other parent has stated that th
- Property Division in Dallas, TX - Dividing Assets for Unmarried Clients: Suits of Partition
- Are My Earnings My Own Once I File For Divorce in Dallas, Texas
- Can I pay my child support directly to the other parent instead of making payments through the State?
- Is Your Divorce Decree Also A Contract?
- Is it ok to start dating during my divorce in Texas?
- Necessary Custody Information for Temporary Orders Hearing in Dallas, Texas
- Holidays and the Texas Standard Possession Schedule
- Attorney Fees - Who Gets Them and When: Part 4
- Attorney's Fees - Who Gets Them and When: Part 3
- Dallas Family Law Attorney, Michelle O'Neil Lawyer - Texas Divorce Attorney
- Necessary Financial Information for Temporary Orders Hearing in Dallas, Texas
- Texas Super Lawyers list names O'Neil as one of the best divorce lawyers in Texas
- Attorney's Fees - Who Gets Them and When: Part 2
- Does It Matter Who Files for Divorce First?
- Texas Retirement and Divorce: Part 2
- Be Prepared for your Direct Examination
- Attorney's Fees - Who Gets Them and When: Part 1
- Texas Retirement and Divorce: Part 1
- The Myth of "Equal Time"
- What to Wear and how to Appear at Your Temporary Orders Hearing:
- Preparing for Your Temporary Orders Hearing: Your Attorney Can Only Prepare Your Case With the Information They Have Available t
- When You Can't Agree, Let Your Order Be Your Guide
- I want a divorce but my spouse doesn't live here
- Divorce & Stock Options: Valuations, Exercised Options and Taxes Oh My!
- One Size Does Not Fit All: Possession for Children Under Three Part 2
- When Business Owners Divorce: The Importance of Business Valuations
- Temporary Orders Hearings: What You Need to Know to be Prepared for A Temporary Orders Hearing in Texas
- One Size Does Not Fit All: Possession for Children Under Three
- July
- June
- June
- Speaking of Step-Moms...
- Appellate Lawyers are the Chess Club of the Law World
- Abbott v. Abbott: New Supreme Court Opinion on International Child Abduction
- Sandra Bullock and Step-Moms
- Divorce, There's Now an App For That!
- Divorce Apps now available for the iPhone!
- Common Misconceptions about Texas Family Law
- April
- No Mommy Presumption for Custody in Texas.
- More Tips for Avoiding Financial Disaster in Divorce
- No Alienation of Affection Claims In Texas
- Credit Rating and Divorce
- Top Five Signs your Marriage is in Trouble
- Avoiding Financial Disaster in Divorce
- Questions to ask yourself before filing for divorce.
- Divorce Business Valuation Approach
- Question to Dallas Divorce Lawyer: My spouse got in a car wreck, can they take my separate property?
- Business Valuation in Divorce - List of Documents Needed
- Question to Dallas Divorce Lawyer: How long do I have to wait to get a divorce?
- Minimizing Your Business Value in Divorce
- Keeping Business Alive During Divorce
- When can we get married?
- Long Distance Visitation - Airline Policies
- Valentine's Day Tips from Dallas Divorce Lawyer
- Dallas Divorce Attorney Prevails On Appeal: No Garnishment for Contractual Alimony
- How to get the property you want and help keep costs down.
- Can the Divorce Judge Make Me Turn Over My Business' Cash to My Spouse?
- Married men = higher income.
- What does "is" mean? The Importance of Drafting
- Feelings of a Father in Song - Highway 20 Ride
- Alter Ego and Piercing the Corporate Veil in the Context of Divorce
- Overlapping jurisdiction - Dallas Probate and Family Courts.
- Sweating the Small Stuff
- I made a huge mistake, can I get an annulment?
- How to Divide Marital Property in a Dallas, Texas Divorce
- Presumed Fathers: Time is of the Essence (When Paternity is at Issue in Divorce)
- We were separated in New York, but reconciled and have been living together since '96 in Dallas. Am I still married?
- How To Find A Good Lawyer When You Need One
- How Divorce is Worse Than a Recession
- Money Ruined Our Marriage
- I didn't know he was already married when we got hitched. What do I do?
- Custody Battle: Dad's Story
- A Divorce Lawyer's Take on Tiger's Texting Troubles
- Am I still entitled to my ex's social security benefits after our divorce?
- How To Make It Through The Holidays After Divorce
- Dallas Divorce Lawyer Quoted by Dallas Voice Newspaper
- Affirmed: Geographical Restriction on Sole Managing Conservator's Right to Designate Primary Residence
- Couple Seeks Custody of Indian Child Despite Federal Law
- Fair market value vs. Intrinsic value: Which one to use?
- More Fathers Are Getting Custody In Divorce
- Will it be held against me if I get another woman pregnant before my divorce is final?
- Co-parenting Goes Online
- Dallas Court of Appeals grants mandamus: trial court imposed greater burden for relocation than law allows
- Parent Coordinator v. Parent Facilitator - What's the diff?
- Lawyer Fined For Wrong Case Citation
- If you're gonna divorce in Dallas, you better plan to stay here!
- Facebook and Divorce - Media Interview
- What not to tell your kids during a divorce and how not tell them.
- So you want sole custody?? Conclusion
- All About Texas Law and Kids Book Release
- But He Used To Make More - Is He Intentionally Underemployed for Child Support Calculation?
- Divorce Judge: I think he needs help - can I order it? Answer: NO!
- So you want sole custody?? Part Two
- Dallas Judge: Ban on Gay Marriage and Divorce Unconstitutional: UPDATE
- What You Say on Facebook Can (& Will) Be Used Against You!
- Why Is There No Free Consultation?
- So you want sole custody?? Part One
- My Divorce Is None of Your Business
- Custody Battles Affecting Military Parents
- Standards to modify custody.
- Child Success Linked to Stability
- Divorce Affects Long-Term Health
- August
- File Breach of Contract Suit In Any District Court
- Tips for controlling attorney's fees
- Grandparent Access to Grandchild Over Parent's Objection New Law
- A Little Divorce Humor To 15 Fifteen Funniest Quotes About Divorce
- Alimony in Texas?!? Well, sort of . . .
- Standing for Step-father to Sue for Custody
- Do Sanctions Apply to Best Interest of Child?
- 'Til death do us part, or until I sue you.
- Divorce Recession - Cold as Ice or Hot as Ever?
- No Debtors Prison for Failing to Make Car Payment
- Sex, lies and infidelity.
- Statement of Points Unconstitutional As Applied Says Texas Supreme Court
- Geographic Restriction of Child's Residence New Law
- Economic Contribution Statute Repealed Hooray!
- Effective Co-Parenting After Divorce
- Facebook No No's in Divorce
- Child Over 12 Has Right to Choose Conservator New Law
- Changes to the Texas Standard Possession Schedule
- US Supremes Say Judges Must Recuse in Donors' Cases
- You look so nice, but can you be mean?
- Counseling Not Required for Texas Divorces
- Collin County Texas Divorce Standing Order
- Constitutionality of Termination Law - Video Interview
- Termination of Parental Rights for Attempted Murder
- Tips to Surviving a Divorce
- Hidden Assets in Divorce
- Custody Evaluations - Resources
- A Kid's Guide to Divorce
- GLBT Custody or Possession of a Nonbiological Child
- April
- January
Media and Videos
- Contempt Litigation Webinar Part 1: Contempt as an Enforcement Remedy for Texas Divorce Law
- Contempt Litigation Webinar Part 2: Contempt Enforcement Pleadings, Affirmative and Defensive
- Contempt Litigation Webinar Part 3: Proving and Defending the Contempt Case in Trial
- Contempt Litigation Webinar Part 4: Considerations in Drafting Contempt Orders
- Contempt Litigation Webinar Part 5: Appellate Remedies for Contempt Enforcement
- Divorcing the Entrepreneur Webinar Part 1: Beginning the Process
- Divorcing the Entrepreneur Webinar Part 2: What is the Asset and How is it Divided?
- Divorcing the Entrepreneur Webinar Part 3: Valuation Issues
- Divorcing the Entrepreneur Webinar Part 4: Moving Forward
- Dads and Custody Webinar Part 1: Beginning the Process
- Dads and Custody Webinar Part 2: Strategies Before Suit is Filed
- Dads and Custody Webinar Part 3: Child Custody Evaluations
- Dads and Custody Webinar Part 4: Winning Strategies for Fathers
- Tales from the Crypto Webinar Part 1: The Nature of Cryptocurrency
- Tales from the Crypto Webinar Part 2: How Does Cryptocurrency Income?
- Interviews
- Speaking Engagements
- Helpful Tips
Family Law
- What is the Status of the Fathers Rights in Texas?
- Are There Jury Trials in Family Law?
- What are the 4 Issues Involved in Custody in Texas?
- Will I be Able to Get 50/50 Possession?
- What Factors Would the Court Consider to Vary From Guidelines?
- 4 Puntos Importantes Relacionados la Custodia de los Ninos
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